
English at Key Stage 4

Years 10 and 11 ( and 9 if appropriate) follow a core language programme using the AQA English specification:

  • Paper 1 Explorations in Creative Writing
  • Paper 2 Viewpoints and perspectives

Using a board specific textbook and OUP Kerboodle resources, provision is made for on-site and remote learners. Year 10 offers a broad base of topics including:

  • Fight for Freedom
  • All in the Mind
  • Town and Country

These units give a comprehensive coverage of assessment objectives common to all 4 examination boards. In year 11 we focus on sequenced assignments which develop and refine exam specific skills; recall and memory tasks within these assist retention of knowledge. The speaking and listening assessment normally takes place in year 11. Functional skills English may be offered to individual students dependent on need.
