How the Covid 19 catch-up premium funding has been used at The Rosewood School

In June 2020 the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds who we know have been most affected. For The Rosewood School this meant that we were eligible for funding, this was calculated at £240 per pupil placed with us, the calculation was based on numbers that attended in the year 2019/20.  This calculation equated to £79,000.

To support schools to make the best use of the funding, the EEF published a support guide: 

As with all government funding, school leaders and governors must be able to account for how the money is being used. Therefore the impact and spending strategy for this catch-up premium will be reviewed alongside the pupil premium spending throughout the 2020-2021 academic year. This can be found on the school’s website under Key Information, Pupil Premium

The Rosewood School’s response was to focus on delivering quality education and we needed to this by:

  1. Investing in a platform and technology support to provide a remote learning curriculum
  2. Providing quality teaching and learning with a focus on improving delivery of blended learning
  3. Supporting mental health by changing the role of the outreach team to support mentoring of wellbeing = trusted adults (trauma-informed practice)
  4. Increasing the hours of a member of the support team to revise the behaviour monitoring system to focus on wellbeing
  5. Increasing the responsibility of the SENCO to support positive behaviours and rewards
  6. Providing 1:1 maths support through tuition – increase in hours for one of our maths teachers.
  7. Providing half term tuition for core subjects
  8. Providing access to technology for staff to support blended learning
  9. Installing active panels in classrooms to support new way of working, this included new smart boards with cameras
  10. Providing additional cleaning and testing station costs

These interventions are regularly assessed through academic assessment and monitoring and through the use of the SDQs, attendance and the readiness for reintegration/next steps for non-academic interventions. 
