Referrals and panel

The criteria for entry to a TRS school is for pupils who have a health need. All young people referred must have a fully completed Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP).  When there is a perceived mental health need, TRS consults NELFT support to ensure decisions over provision are appropriate.  Please see more details surrounding a referral to TRS:

Referrals can be made by filling out the form below.  Please note that referral to Primary or Secondary Remote Provision is only for immunocompromised or a physical ailment, which means they are unable to attend physical school.  We do not offer a physical school for primary aged pupils

Trs Referral Form 2024 25 (1)

Once the form has been completed, the supporting evidence must sent with the form to the TRS referrals manager:

Send completed forms and scanned documents to:

Notes regarding young persons with an EHCP, or a special educational need:

  • TRS aims to support young people that have a health need preventing access to education. If the young person also has an EHCP, or are en-route towards allocation of an EHCP the case will be considered following the same protocol as all cases based on the individual situation.
  • If an EHCP is already in place and an additional health needs arises which overrides the priority need previously designated on the EHCP, an early review meeting with County SEN must be conducted due to the possibility of a short term change of educational provision. We will require minutes of this meeting and proposed time scales for re-integration to the onward provision. We will also require a copy of the provision plan that is drafted in order to consider this case fully. We will consider the allocation of provision where appropriate that supports education with the aim of reintegrating fully to the referring provider, or supporting towards onward provision as soon as possible and appropriate.  Cases will be reviewed to ensure that the school has the capacity to support a pupil with an EHCP.

It should be noted however that TRS is not a specialist provision and will not always be able to provide appropriate support when an EHCP has named a specialist provision. It should also be noted that TRS cannot be named on an EHCP as a main provider of education.

Panel meetings take place every Tuesday and decisions are made to establish the most suitable provision for the pupil being referred.  The referring school is then informed of the decision within 48 hours by email.

On occasion it may be felt that based on the documentation provided that the pupil does not meet the criteria for any provision at TRS.  

The panel consists of two senior leaders from TRS, at least one Headteacher (by invitation) from a Kent school, and a member of staff from TRS (by invitation).  

Canterbury and Leybourne referrals

Before filling out the form for a current Year 7 place at our Canterbury school then please email:


