Schools should refer to their own Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy before making a referral, referral to TRS should be a last resort. .
As a rule of thumb the following conditions will need to be met:
- Young people whose mental health needs are at Tier 3 (CAMHS).
- Young people whose physical health is evidenced by a hospital (paediatrician,
consultant or registrar) to be too unwell to attend school. This applies to
young people whose cases are managed by hospitals within Kent as well as
in more specialist hospitals in London and across the country. - Young people whose illness has reduced their school attendance to less than
The following document also helps when supporting a student with health needs:
As schools are aware there are many types of interventions that may be appropriate for you to support a young person with their mental or physical health; we have provided a list that allows for you to see ‘at a glance’ if there is anything you haven’t considered before a referral is made
Interventions could include:
An Individual Health Care Plan – see link above
A support plan that is developed with the pupil and parent/carer containing suggested strategies for school staff/parents/pupils to implement. Regular reviews to monitor progress and next steps.
Use of rooms/smaller groups or safe places in school to go to when in crisis - for example EHub
Rest rooms
Part time timetable – to be reviewed as health improves
Mentoring support in school from school staff or commissioned agencies
Utilise support from an Educational Psychologist or access support via other support mechanisms such as Kent Autistic Trust
Make a request for support - Early Help
Family Support Worker/Student manager etc. (school based)
Collaboration with mental health support teams (Mental Health Support Teams (MHST)
Ensure the pupils is on the SEN register and then with evidence make an application for high needs funding to support the pupil in school
Headstart has some great support including toolkits
Direction off-site to another mainstream provision if appropriate
Referral to an alternative provision such as TRS must be evidenced as being the very last resort