Safeguarding and health:

Parents: If you are worried about the health of your child please refer to the NHS guidance: NHS Emotional wellbeing. If your child is overseen by a mental health service please contact your child’s medical practitioner or the area team. If your child is not open to this service and you are concerned you should contact:

CAMHS Single Point of Access (SPA) on 03000 123 4496 available during working hours 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. This number can also be used out of hours for crisis support.

If you are concerned about the safety of a child you should contact social services; they are available on 03000 416161. If you feel you need to contact TRS for anything, please e-mail the relevant site that oversees your child’s provision. 

The 'Local Offer' from Kent includes a directory of groups that can support you.  Here is a link, for example if you are looking for free counselling just type in counselling and you will find a group that can support you in the county -

Pupils: Take a look at the resources below, they are always current and up to date, if there are any that you can recommend then please let us know :

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

Health For Teens

Mid Kent Mind


Barnardo's logo

Metro charity logo

