Since 2 January 2018 both academies and other maintained schools have had a duty to provide access to Years 8-13, and soon to include Year 7 for providers of post 14/16/18 education and training.
There is also a duty to publish a statement on a school's website explaining how they manage access requests from a range of providers.
The school's policy statement for provider access can be found below, more information surrounding our provision for careers can be found under our Curriculum page:
The Rosewood School: Careers Programme Summary
Careers Programme
The aim of The Rosewood School (TRS) is to provide continuity of education, through inclusion and support. It is our belief this should include careers education, information, advice and guidance. An effective delivery of this raises aspirations, encourages participation in further education, supports pupils academic progress and promotes equality of opportunity. We believe it is important that pupils are not excluded from accessing CEIAG opportunities due to their health need and being unable to access mainstream school.
The careers programme is delivered throughout the academic year. It is our intention that all pupils can access this programme during their time with TRS. Due to the nature of our provision, pupils will have access to activities that occur during their time with the school.
The aims of the career programme are:
- To enable pupils to make informed choices about their future education and career paths.
- To develop pupils understanding of the world of work.
- To equip pupils with knowledge of the opportunities available to them.
The careers programme is delivered across the academic year through several activities including:
- Access to individual careers guidance for all pupils in years 7-13 (including those who are remote learners) which is personalised and relevant to the needs and interests of the pupil.
- Talks and workshops from a range of external speakers including The Education People, ASK, Department for Work & Pensions.
- Talks from local further education providers and arranged visits for Yr 11 pupils as required.
- Various workplace visits.
- Access to talks from employees/employers about their experiences of employment and the sector in which they work (these take place at several points during the academic year, with a particular focus during National Careers Week).
- Activities during National Apprenticeship Week to develop awareness of apprenticeship routes at all levels.
- Curriculum lessons that link to careers and the development of skills. Each subject area arranges at least 2 relevant employer/employee or workplace encounters per academic year.
- KS3 pupils have scheduled Employability lessons as part of their curriculum, these lessons support with the development of work related skills, they cover enterprise, charity and careers education.
- Work experience opportunities for pupils in Yr 10.
Pupils can access careers information, advice and guidance through our qualified careers advisers Bethan Liston and Claire Craig (known as Participation & Progression Officers). They are managed by Assistant Headteacher and Careers Leader Hayley Bennett. You can reach her via email at
The careers programme is reviewed annually, and feedback is sought from pupils, parents and staff. Additional measures we use to review the programme include; destination data, compliance to Gatsby benchmarks and the Compass online tool. The programme will be formally reviewed in August 2023; informal evaluation is ongoing and pupils are regularly invited to provide impact scores on careers activities.
Please refer to these related policies, available on our website or by request from the Careers Leader.
- Provider access policy.
- CEIAG policy.