Curriculum - Primary
In Primary we follow the National Curriculum and work closely with both the pupil and their family and the home school whenever possible to ensure that a love of learning is fostered, good progress is made and any gaps in learning are filled. We can adapt our teaching to suit the different leaning styles of our pupils.
Literacy KS1 & KS2
Our aim is to engage and inspire our pupils and we often use books, film clips or drama as a stimulus across the range of different genres including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We also focus on phonics (KS1) and spelling, punctuation and grammar (KS2). To foster a love of reading and develop comprehension skills, we have a guided reading program based around ‘Cracking Comprehension.’
Maths KS1 & KS2
In maths our aim is to teach not just knowledge and skills but develop confidence, reasoning and fluency. We teach Number skills (including the four operations, fractions, decimals, etc) as well as Geometry, Measurement and Statistics. We make learning fun by using a wide variety of games and activities.
Wider Curriculum (KS1 & KS2)
In order to cover the statutory requirements for PHSE (Personal, Health, Social and Emotional) and RSE (Relationships) we offer one session per week as a ‘Social & Communication’ lesson which focuses on a different theme each week such as British Values, Healthy Lifestyles, a ‘Value’ such as honesty or courage or a festival/cultural event.
Mentoring (KS1 & KS2)
Each Primary pupil at The Rosewood School is allocated their own personal Leaning Mentor. There is one session per week allocated when the pupil (and parent) can meet with their Learning Mentor. The Learning Mentor can act as a bridge between the pupils and their family, the home school and teachers and staff at TRS. It is an opportunity for weekly communication between home and TRS and ensures learning is monitored personally and weekly.