It is vital that we obtain as much accurate baselining information as possible to make guided and informed decisions about our pupils’ educational provision. Baseline assessments are designed to capture a holistic picture of need, including learning needs and soft skills, using standardised testing. These scores can then help us monitor any progress the pupil is making and if need be help us determine any interventions that might be relevant.
Upon entry to centre learners will receive baseline testing in the following areas:
Academic Potential
Sandwell numeracy test and the YORK reading age test:
A nationally norm-referenced test that measures skills in:
- Word reading
- Spelling
- Sentence comprehension
- Math computation
The pupil's reading age is shared with the home school and parent termly, at TRS there is an emphasis on reading for pleasure and we hope that this is reflected in the progress they make with us.
- Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): Data is used in different ways across Key Stages to ensure an accurate picture of need is shared with all staff. The SDQ measure is recommended by EEF and the DfE and gives us an indicator of interventions such as counselling that may be necessary to support the pupil's wellbeing. Scores are shared with parents and home school each term to show progress or support discussion for further intervention/support if there is a significant change.
Key Stage 1 & 2
- Information provided by attached Primary School or last school attended.
- Information provided by attached outreach caseworker if necessary.
- Pupil Profile to be completed. All staff recognise the learners’ individual needs ensuring that learning is catered to the needs of each and every learner. The Pupil Profile is updated and reviewed half termly
- Targets are set based on all assessments undertaken
Key Stage 3
- Information provided by attached Secondary School or last school attended.
- On entry the SDQ is completed and this takes place termly.
- Information provided by attached outreach caseworker if necessary.
- Pupil Profile to be completed. All staff recognise the learners’ individual needs ensuring that learning is catered to the needs of each and every learner. The Pupil Profile is updated and reviewed half termly
- Targets are set based on all assessments undertaken
Key Stage 4
- Information provided by home Secondary School or last school attended.
- Information provided by external agencies, such as Early Help/CAMHS
- Information provided by parent.
- Core subject baseline tests to take place during induction weeks
- SDQ Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire administered
- Lucid EXACT (reading, comprehension, exam access arrangement indicators)
All staff across all Key Stages recognise the learners’ individual needs (Pupil Profile). Learning is catered to the needs of each and every learner. The Pupil Profile is updated and reviewed half termly.