On behalf of the pupils, management committee and staff, welcome to our school! I am extremely proud to be the Executive Headteacher of The Rosewood School (TRS), and naturally at the heart of all that we do are the pupils. It is their school and they are at the centre. Please enjoy this website and the blogs and see for yourself how we nurture the lifelong love of learning and support pupils in the continuation of their education.
Pupils are with us at The Rosewood School (TRS) due to their medical, health and physical needs (health need can mean either physical health need, or mental health condition). Many of our pupils will also be disadvantaged, socially through missing chunks of their education. This inevitably results in our pupils requiring a holistic curriculum that will comprise of identification of gaps in their knowledge and skills, adaptations for their medical and health & physical needs, and subsequently, the application of said knowledge and skills, to support future aspirations. There is a strong emphasis on personal development and pupil wellbeing that aims to support individuals to be healthy, challenge social disadvantage and develop strong and effective relationships. By having high aspirations and focusing the curriculum on these key aspects, it will motivate our pupils to achieve exceptionally well and become successful citizens in the future.
TRS sits between mainstream and special school provisions, and our core aim is to reintegrate a pupil back to mainstream, and as such, we play an invaluable and unique role in Kent which we aspire to further develop. By being ambitious and supporting more pupils across Kent and from further afield, TRS will look to be recognised for its excellence and continue to be an integral part of Kent’s SEND offer and provide short term educational provision to pupils who are either hospital in-patients or unable to attend a mainstream school due to their medical/physical/mental health needs.
For most pupils, their placement at TRS is time limited with an anticipated return to mainstream; alternative or post-16 provision. This varies depending on the nature of the medical needs and associated recovery.
TRS has 3 schools across the county, these schools provide a broad and balanced curriculum and offer a smaller environment which supports recovery and fundamentally the reintegration back to the referring school or post 16 provision. We also offer remote provision to those with medical needs (compromised immunity) as well as outreach, this is all supported with access to a range of health professionals who we can consult to offer advice and guidance to Kent schools if this is required.
We have so many success stories that indicate the exceptional progress pupils make in the face of significant challenges with their medical, physical or mental health. Take a look at our website pages to see our testimonials and news that indicates that not only do we focus on pupils’ education but equally the wrap around care that is associated with well-being and preparation for their next steps; whether that is back to the referring school, new school or post 16 provision.
We look forward to working with you in the future!
Best wishes
Tina Hamer (Executive Headteacher)