Key Stage Four (KS4) are the years in which pupils prepare for 'Level 2' public examinations, in other words for their GCSEs or for BTEC equivalents. At TRS, the majority of subjects we offer are examined at GCSE level, with a small number of exceptions, as explained below. 

Pupils in year 10 and 11 can enter the school at any time during the academic year, this generally happens after a panel meeting which take place every week, students are then placed in a group and will be taught core subjects as well as optional GCSE subjects that we as a school feel will prepare them for adult life.  Re-integration back to a mainstream school is always our primary goal for our pupils and our small and nurturing environment helps to support a pupil back successfully to either their home or other mainstream school; if they arrive late to us then we prepare them for further education or training.  We have a team of skilled outreach workers who are excellent at providing transition support, and our dedicated progression team help to realign a pupil’s thinking in preparation for life after school; not forgetting our therapy dogs all of this support can assist a pupil in KS4 to make good progress and leave with strategies to support life after TRS

Assessment in KS4

In Key Stage Four teachers assess pupils' attainment using the grading criteria of the GCSE or BTEC subjects they study. We report 'progress grades' to parents and carers three times each year. 
